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ZIMBABWE: Ex-VP to be sworn-in as president on Thursday

Zimbabwe’s former vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa who was sacked by former President Robert Mugabe is to be sworn in as President on Thursday.

Sources told CNN that Mnangagwa who is billed to return to his country on Wednesday, after more than two weeks on exile abroad, will take over the reins of power from his former boss.

He is expected to brief the media on his arrival in Harare on Wednesday.

Mnangagwa, according to a spokesman for the ZANU-PF party, is expected to be sworn in by Thursday. Many in Zimbabwe and in the international community are hoping that it will be a transitional arrangement; the country’s next general elections are scheduled for 2018.

Mnangagwa’s dismissal, apparently to pave the way for Mugabe’s wife Grace to succeed him, instead led to Mugabe’s arrest, threatened impeachment and eventual resignation.

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ZIMBABWE: Ex-VP to be sworn-in as president on Thursday Reviewed by Unknown on November 22, 2017 Rating: 5

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