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5 signs he likes you and wants you to be more than a friend

Ladies sometimes find themselves in a situation where they find it hard to determine if a guy just wants them as a friend as it appears on the surface or whether the guy is ready to go into a relationship.

In most cases where the feeling is mutual, the guy shows signs that aren’t always so easy to read as it would take a smart girl to decipher such moves.

These signs aren’t always so easy to read and listed below five actions that shows that your object of affection really likes you and wants to be more than a friend in his life.

1) He Actually Looks At You: He’s talking to your friend, but he keeps looking away. He keeps looking at you! Is it because you’ve got a new spot or food in-between your teeth? Probably not. If he keeps glancing over at you and makes eye contact, it’s a strong sign that he’s not really interested in what your friend has to say. He’s more interested in you.

2) He’s A Tease: Teasing is a form of flirting. It’s not insulting, it’s just playful banter where people make lighthearted fun of each other. People don’t usually flirt unless they like someone (it’d be kinda weird to flirt with someone we don’t like). If he teases you? He likes you.

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3) He’s All Over Your Facebook: He can’t help himself. He’s always busy liking your photos, commenting on your statuses, and posting on your wall. He takes notice of your interests and tags you in stuff he thinks you’d like. He wouldn’t do all this if you were just another friend. It’s his way of showing you one of signs he likes you more than a friend.

4) He Tells You Jokes: Guys love to make girls they like laugh. They can generally make anyone laugh, but they’ll put in the extra effort when it comes to someone they genuinely like. Observe how he acts around you. Does he tell you jokes? Does he go out of his way to be funny? If so, these are signs that he’s trying to impress you, which means just one thing – he likes you.

5) He Never Mentions Other Girls: Normally, guys love to boast about their conquests and how they’ve got a string of girls begging for their attention. If he literally never talks about other girls in your company? Hmm, we think it’s a strong sign that he doesn’t want to put you off him!

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5 signs he likes you and wants you to be more than a friend Reviewed by Unknown on November 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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