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Gov Bello imposes 24-hour curfew in Kogi State

Governor Yahaya Bello of Kogi State has declared an emergency curfew of 24 hours on five local government areas of the state.

The affected LGAs are Adavi, Ajaokuta, Okene, Okehi and Ogori/Magongo, all in the central senatorial district of the state.

Though no reason was given for the declaration, it is believed to be as a result of security issues which have been recorded in the areas in the last few months.

It would be recalled that only recently, a police station was burnt, some security operatives killed, and a labour leader, Abdulmumini Yakub, was assassinated in the state.

A statement by the Chief Press Secretary to the governor, Mrs Petra Onyegbule announcing the curfew, reads in part, “This is a notice of a 24-hour curfew imposed on residents of the 5 Local Government Areas of Central Senatorial District beginning from midnight (already commenced).

“This curfew will last for 24 hours and it is absolute. No movement whatsoever shall be allowed.

“All residents of Adavi, Ajaokuta, Okehi, Okene, Ogori/Magongo Local Government Areas are advised to comply by this directive as anyone who runs foul would have themselves to blame.

“Government regrets every inconvenience this might cause and assures citizens and residents this decision has been taken in the best interest of the state.”

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Gov Bello imposes 24-hour curfew in Kogi State Reviewed by Unknown on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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