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Mugabe accuses sacked VP, former protege of impatience to succeed him

President Robert Mugabe has accused his sacked Vice President, Emmerson Mnangagwa and his protege Joice Mujuru, who was the president’s deputy for 10 years until she was fired in 2014, of impatience to succeed him.

Mugabe who remarked that the route to leadership was long and full of “pitfalls and death” while addressing supporters at the headquarters of his ZANU-PF party in Harare also accused Mnangagwa of consulting witch doctors and prophets as part of his efforts to succeed him.

“You should not try to say because the journey is long, then I should take a short cut to arrive quickly. The road has lions. There are pitfalls. There is death, beware,” Mugabe said.

“…There is no short cut to being the leader of the people. Just as there was no short cut to our independence,” he added.

Mnangagwa who has fled Zimbabwe because of death threats was removed from office by the government, opening the way to the possible appointment of Grace Mugabe as the next VP.

“My sudden departure was caused by incessant threats on my person, life and family by those who have attempted before through various forms of elimination including poisoning,” he said in a statement on Wednesday.

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Mugabe accuses sacked VP, former protege of impatience to succeed him Reviewed by Unknown on November 09, 2017 Rating: 5

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