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Fresh protests erupt as Spanish judge orders jailing of 8 Catalonian leaders

A fresh round of protests have erupted in Spain after eight regional ministers sacked over Catalonia’s push for independence from Spain were jailed over charges of sedition, rebellion and embezzlement.

Reports say thousands of Catalans gathered in Barcelona’s central square, rendering songs of freedom for Catalonia as Spain continues to be gripped by a constitutional crisis.

Among those jailed without bail are sacked Catalan Vice President Oriol Junqueras, Jordi Turull, the former spokesperson for the Catalan government, former Minister of the Workforce Dolors Bassa and others.

The only former minister who may be released is Santi Vila, the former head of the Ministry of Business, pending a 50,000 euro ($58,300) bail payment.

Mireia Boya Busquets, a Catalan MP from the far-left Popular Unity Candidacy party, tweeted “the legitimate government is in prison. This is a fascist state. If we normalise it we erase ourselves as a people”.

Exiled Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and four others failed to appear before Spain’s high court to face rebellion and sedition charges following the ripple effect caused by the referendum held on 1 October.

Runaway Puigdemont who earlier sought guarantees of a fair trial for him and his colleagues previously said he would return to Spain but his recent comments from Belgium made it clear that he is not coming back to Madrid anytime soon.

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Fresh protests erupt as Spanish judge orders jailing of 8 Catalonian leaders Reviewed by Unknown on November 03, 2017 Rating: 5

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