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REBElLLION & SEDITION CHARGES: Catalonia leader, 4 others, ignore court order

Exiled Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont and four others failed to appear before Spain’s high court to face rebellion and sedition charges following the ripple effect caused by the referendum held on 1 October.

However, nine other Catalan officials have turned up at the court in Madrid for questioning over the referendum staged in defiance of a constitutional court ruling that had declared it illegal.

According to Spain’s chief prosecutor, the Catalan leaders were accused of rebellion – which carries a maximum 30-year jail term – as well as sedition and misuse of funds.

Runaway Puigdemont who earlier sought guarantees of a fair trial for him and his colleagues previously said he would return to Spain but his recent comments from Belgium made it clear that he is not coming back to Madrid anytime soon.

“Those summonses are part of proceedings that lack any legal basis and only seek to punish ideas. This is a political trial,” he said in a statement.

Puigdemont and four others fled to Belguim after the three day ultimatum to pay a deposit of €6.2m ($7.2m) to cover potential liabilities which was stated in the court summons, expired.

Reports say the Catalan leaders standing trial in Madrid have been denied bail and there are growing fears that it may trigger fresh uprising among those clamouring for the Catalonia break away.

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REBElLLION & SEDITION CHARGES: Catalonia leader, 4 others, ignore court order Reviewed by Unknown on November 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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