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Hezbollah denies having a hand in resignation of Lebanese PM

The resignation of Lebanon’s Prime Minister Saad al-Hariri who cited Iranian influence across the region and also fingered Hezbollah whom he accused of sowing strife in the Arab world as one of the reasons he threw in the towel, has been denied by the leader of Hezbollah movement.

Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the movement in a televised appearance on the Hezbollah-owned Al Manar TV said that Hariri’s resignation speech was “written by Saudi”.

“It was not our wish for Hariri to resign,” he said of the sudden and unexpected move.

“Even if he was forced to resign, the way in which it was executed does not reflect Hariri’s way in dealing with things,” Nasrallah added, questioning the text of Hariri’s speech broadcast during his visit to the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on Saturday.

In a speech televised from Saudi Arabia, Hariri accused Iran and its Lebanese ally Hezbollah of sowing strife in the Arab world saying he believed there was an assassination plot against him.

Hariri said Iran “has a desire to destroy the Arab world and has boasted of its control of the decisions in all the Arab capitals. Hezbollah imposed a reality in Lebanon through force of arms, and their intervention causes us big problems with all our Arab allies”.

He also claimed that he feared he may suffer the same fate as his assassinated father if he remained leader of Lebanon prompting him to throw in the towel for fear of his life.

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Hezbollah denies having a hand in resignation of Lebanese PM Reviewed by Unknown on November 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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