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US wants UN to sanction Iran, after Saudi accuses Tehran of military aggression

The US through its ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley has called on the United Nations to take decisive steps against Iran after Saudi Arabia accused Tehran of “direct military aggression” through the Houthi rebels in Yemen.

Haley also accused Iran of supplying a missile to the Houthis that was fired into Saudi Arabia in July, and also referred to Riyadh’s allegation that the weapon that was shot down over Riyadh on Saturday “may also be of Iranian origin”.

“By providing these types of weapons to the Houthi militias in Yemen, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is violating two UN resolutions simultaneously,” Haley said.

“We encourage the United Nations and international partners to take necessary action to hold the Iranian regime accountable for these violations.”

Earlier on, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman had pointed accusing fingers at Iran for supplying a ballistic missile that was fired on Saturday from Houthi-held territory towards Riyadh’s international airport.

Back home, reports say scores of common Iranians are wallowing in despair over fears of their economic future after President Donald Trump of the US earlier refused to formally certify that Tehran was complying with the 2015 accord even though international inspectors say it is.

The feeling is a sharp contrast to the euphoria that followed when the deal was signed in 2015 as more sanctions loom with Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani promptly responding to Trump’s speech on Friday, calling it “a pile of delusional allegations” and “an insult to the Iranian people”.

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US wants UN to sanction Iran, after Saudi accuses Tehran of military aggression Reviewed by Unknown on November 08, 2017 Rating: 5

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