The Importance of Style | How Dressing for Success Leads to Success
Clothing Is A Form Of Self-Expression – There Are Hints About Who You Are In What You Wear. Let’s talk about the Importance of Style.
I have always had an interest in Fashion and Style since my high school years which reflected in my sense of dressing. I always tried to dress for success ‘cos I strongly believe that our success is a function of the impressions we make on others throughout our lives.
Once I began to express my style through my dressing I found that things became easier for me in my professional and personal life. I felt more confident, I delivered more at work, I got promoted every single year and people [including my superiors] respected me more. Then I concluded, that Style is everything – It is more than what you wear, it’s about how you live.
This mindset was something that I wanted to teach other men. To help men dress well, live well, do well and develop a unique personal style that matches their lifestyle and goals.
I’ll be expatiating on this shortly and will also explain to you all how dressing for success leads to success.
A great style lets you say great things about yourself before you even open your mouth. So, if you’ve got a great style, you have every good chance of making a positive first impression at all times – which ultimately opens up more doors of opportunities for you.
When you dress well, you get people’s attention easily, you feel more confident and if you’ve got a great product or service offering you can seize the opportunity to serve it to the right customers including new people you meet every day.
On the other hand, if you’ve got no style – the “journey to success” would be a bit tougher. You will have to struggle with getting people’s attention first, before proving to them that you can deliver. This can be very tough if you don’t look the part. Trust me!
Before we continue we need to watch 7 outdated fashion rules that men can now ignore
1. When you are well dressed you are more likely to experience better treatment from people.
People will judge you within the first 7 seconds of meeting you and would form an opinion about you instantly based on your appearance, demeanor, body language and most importantly how you are dressed. People will treat you better and are willing to assist you when you need their help.
2. When you are poorly dressed or if your body language signals weakness, you will struggle with getting attention, especially when looking for a job or business.
There are several people most likely qualified for the same job you seek or are capable of delivering. The competition is always stiff and because people unconsciously judge you by your appearance and treat you accordingly, you will not be able to stand out among your peers if you don’t dress your best [unless none of the others are well dressed].
People who do not know you well, are more likely to judge you based on your style: how you look, how you are dressed and how you carry yourself.
They would form a lot of opinion about you before even giving you the chance to tell them about yourself, your skills and what you can offer or deliver.
3. When you dress for success, everything you do makes some kind of statement.
Style is a way to say who you are without having to speak. And, clothing has a strong effect on both the wearer and the observer. Therefore, wear great clothes, improve your style, dress for success at all times ‘cos you never know whom you’ll meet.
4. People are more likely to give you money, tips, donations, pay for your service/product when you are well dressed.
Someone once told me – If you want someone to award you a 1 million dollar contract, you have to look like you’ve handled [and that you can handle] a 1 million dollar project before. And he’s right.
Some years ago I found myself always tipping a security guard who opens the elevator door for me each time I got to work. It occurred to me later on that I did so subconsciously because he was always well dressed.
His shoe was always well-polished, his security outfit neatly pressed and the shirt tucked in properly. One day I had a chit-chat with him and I told him to keep up the good work. And, no I didn’t mean just the service which he renders but more specifically his good dressing and how much effort he puts in to look his best at all times.
Dressing well isn’t about expressing your individuality and wearing what you feel comfortable in, rather it’s about expressing your style and wearing something that makes you look and feel awesome.
Investing a little bit of money in your look can make you look great, feel more confident, and more powerful. Today, make the decision to consciously develop your personal style. Build your success through style.
Are there mistakes in your outfit that is preventing you from being taken seriously in your personal and professional life?
Are there some style mistakes you make that has indirectly prevented you from getting that next promotion at work?
Do you think your poor style is ruining every opportunity of making a great and positive first impression when it matters?
I hope that this article has given you some insight on the importance of great style.
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The Importance of Style | How Dressing for Success Leads to Success
Reviewed by Unknown
November 12, 2017

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