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Again you’ve failed S’East by appointing Non-Igbo as SGF, Ohanaeze tells Buhari

The president general of the group, Chief John Nnia Nwodo, who stated this on Wednesday, regreted that Buhari has again “failed to play father figure which his office demands in presiding over a plural and divergent society as ours.”

Nwodo, was apparently reacting to the appointment of Boss Mustapha as replacement to the sacked SGF, Babachir Lawal, instead of somebody from the South-East.

Nwodo said in a statement on Wednesday, that “The President’s action has further denied the people of the region a strong place in the executive arm of the administration.

“It also shows the President’s insensitivity to the over flogged issue of marginalization of Ndigbo by his administration.

“We had thought that the recent meeting of South-East leaders with the President at the Aso Rock Villa opened an avenue for a new relationship with the zone which appointing an SGF from the area would have helped to cement especially as the ruling party originally zoned the position to the region.”

Buhari had during his recent meeting with leaders of the region claimed that he was not marginalising the South-East as the people have been claiming. According to him, only one out of the five ministers of the region is a state minister.

But Nwodo argued that the President’s claim on South-East ministers in his cabinet during Igbo leaders’ meeting with him, was not enough for him to continue sidetracking the zone in his appointment.

According to Nwodo, it was appalling that the President who has had the opportunity of working across the country in his military career and has been a huge player in the polity for almost two decades, failed to find somebody from the South East he can trust for the SGF position.

The group then called on Buhari “to open his mind and have a positive attitude about Ndigbo whose contributions to the socio economic and political development of the country is not in doubt”.

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Again you’ve failed S’East by appointing Non-Igbo as SGF, Ohanaeze tells Buhari Reviewed by Unknown on November 02, 2017 Rating: 5

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