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STILL TRENDING: No budget document was removed from Senator Goje's House - Police PRO says

The Public Relations Officer PRO of the Nigeria Police Force, Jimoh Moshood, has denied claims by Senator Danjuma Goje, that some of its officers removed some of the 2017 budget documents during a search of his Asokoro house in Abuja last Thursday April 20th.

Yesterday, Goje told his colleagues during plenary that the police during the search of his home, carted away some of the 2017 budget documents. READ HERE

However, the police PRO was a guest on Channels TV this morning where he denied the claims made by Senator Goje. According to Jimoh, the police had gone to Goje's house to search the property following a tipoff that some stolen funds and documents were to be moved from the house.
Jimoh stated that the police arrived the premises and met three persons including Goje's nephew, his housekeeper and step daughter who all signed behind the search warrant. Jimoh stated that 38 files were removed from Goje's house and not one of the documents is related to the 2017 budget

"No single document relates to the 2017 budget and mind you the budget had been with them for months. Nobody is above the law and nobody is above his house being searched when we have on reasonable grounds that incriminating items or stolen funds are kept there. 

 I want to say that the search warrant exhiited for Senator Dajuma Goje's house has nothing to do with the 2017 budget. We didn't go out there to search for the budget. No budget document was sighted and no budget document was removed"he said

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STILL TRENDING: No budget document was removed from Senator Goje's House - Police PRO says Reviewed by Unknown on April 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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