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Biafran Hero, Nnamdi Kanu, Set For Release

The renowned leader of the Indigenous People oThe renowned (IPOB) and Director of Radio Biafra, Nnamdi Kanu, is on the verge of being released from Kuje Prison, Abuja after spending nearly two years in detention as ordered by the Nigerian government.

Kanu was granted bail by a Federal High Court in Abuja, Justice Binta Nyako presiding, earlier this week under very stringent conditions which include producing a Jew Rabbi as surety. 

Saharareporters learnt on Friday that Kanu's impending release followed series of negotiations between politicians and activists from the south east region with members of President Muhammadu Buhari's government as a way of dousing tension that has arisen due to renewed agitation by pro-Biafra separatists spearheaded by Kanu and others.

Kuje Prison authorities have released Kanu's personal effects to his family while awaiting documents for his release to be perfected by his lawyers and government officials.

Kanu was seen on Friday meeting with prisoners who had enjoyed favors from him during his detention.

Saharareporters also learnt that the Biafran leader would meet with several politicians and activists to discuss how to bring more people to work with him soon after his release.

“Kanu will leave later today or latest Tuesday next week if everything works as planned,” a source knowledgeable of his bail processing said.

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Biafran Hero, Nnamdi Kanu, Set For Release Reviewed by Unknown on April 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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