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South Korea, US agree on ‘swift punitive measures’ against North

In the event of more provocation characterised by its constant missile tests, South Korea and the United States of America have both decided on “swift punitive measures” against North Korea.
“The two sides pledged that in the event of additional strategic provocation by the North to swiftly take punitive measures including a new U.N. Security Council resolution that are unbearable for the North,” the South’s presidential office said after its national security adviser, Kim Kwan-jin, held a phone call with his U.S. counterpart, H. R. McMaster.
South Korea also said the deployment of a U.S. anti-missile defense system was moving ahead effectively although America has signaled that sanctions and diplomatic pressure against North Korea were its priorities for now.
Two days ago, President Donald Trump told the Security Council of the United Nations to prepare fresh sanctions against defiant North Korea led by Kim Jong Un over its recent missile activities.
Trump made the order at a White House meeting with 15 UN Security Council ambassadors, including from China and Russia on Monday.
“The council must be prepared to impose additional and stronger sanctions on North Korean nuclear and ballistic missile programmes,” he said.
According to US officials, more tougher sanctions against North Korea could include an oil embargo, banning of the North’s airline, intercepting cargo ships and punishing Chinese banks and other foreign firms doing business with Pyongyang.

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South Korea, US agree on ‘swift punitive measures’ against North Reviewed by Unknown on April 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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