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Embattled SGF Lawal chases away Senate officials who came to deliver invite

The suspended Secretary to the Government of the Federation, Babachir Lawal reportedly chased away Senate officials who were sent to deliver an invitation to him to come answer some questions.
The officials were said to have arrived his residence to hand over the summons on Wednesday but were chased away.
Chairman of the Senate Adhoc Committee on Mounting Humanitarian Crisis in the Northeast, Sen Shehu Sani who made this known on Thursday vowed that the committee would go ahead and submit their report.
Lawal, as at the time of this report failed to show up at the investigate hearing into the award of contracts for some Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camps.
Also speaking on the issues at a press briefing, Senator Ben Bruce said if SGF Lawal had appeared it may have made his case much better but “he is like someone that stabbed himself with a Jack knife”.
Bruce said they gave Lawal enough opportunity but that chasing away officials that took an invitation letter to him is unacceptable.
Lawal had been suspended by President Muhammadu Buhari, who set up a three-man panel to look into allegations against him that he was complicit in the award of contracts by the Presidential Initiative on the North East (PINE).

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Embattled SGF Lawal chases away Senate officials who came to deliver invite Reviewed by Unknown on April 27, 2017 Rating: 5

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