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Trump suggests arming teachers could prevent school shootings

A day after a ban on modified guns was pushed by President Donald Trump of the United States as gun control debate took on a new urgency, the country’s leader has suggested that arming teachers could prevent more school shootings.

A staff member with a gun could end an attack “very quickly”, he said while addressing emotional survivors of the 14 February massacre in Florida.

“We’ll be very strong on background checks, very strong emphasis on the mental health of somebody,” Trump told the students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School during Wednesday’s televised event at the White House.

“It’s not going to be talk like it’s been in the past,” he added.

Reports says Trump has already signed an order to ban bump-stock devices, which were used by a gunman who killed 58 Las Vegas concert-goers last year.

Such devices enable a rifle to shoot hundreds of rounds a minute.

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Trump suggests arming teachers could prevent school shootings Reviewed by Unknown on February 22, 2018 Rating: 5

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