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2019: Junaid dubs Buhari a failure, warns north against anointed candidate who’ll die or fail due to illness

A Second Republic lawmaker and former aide to former President Shehu Shagari, Dr. Junaid Mohammed, has described President Muhammadu Buhari as a failure and advised him not to bother seeking a re-election in 2019.

This was even as he cautioned the North against anointing a consensus candidate from the region, who will “either die midway into their tenure or fail woefully to perform due to ill health or poor understanding of the economy or both.”

The former lawmaker stated this on Monday when he spoke with some reporters in Kaduna State, noting that preventable crisis between herdsmen and farmers had heightened across the country under Buhari’s leadership and could even worsen in the coming years should Buhari continue as Nigeria’s president beyond 2019.

“There is no need for us to continue to keep silent while a cabal, led by persons with little or no knowledge of the economy and those who have never run any successful business enterprise, continue to toy with the well-being and future of over 180 million Nigerians just because they are related one way or the other to the president, who himself knows nothing about the economy.

“It is also not in doubt that this president has brought more of his kinsmen, most of them who are unqualified, than any other Nigerian president in history into key national positions, thereby trivialising governance and promoting mediocrity at the highest level,” he said.

On the move by some northern leaders to present a consensus candidate in 2019, Mohammed warned against such, describing it as primordial and not viable under the present political situation.

He warned the northern leaders to understand that the region does not have a monopoly of power, adding that those who want to produce the presidency must work for it.

He said, “Look, there is nothing that makes it compulsory for Nigerians to concede the presidency to the north at any point in time. Any group that needs the presidency of Nigeria must be ready to work for it.

“We must not continue to accept a situation where some people sit somewhere and ‘anoint’ some persons they know are either ill or weak and impose them on the rest of the people and they either die midway into their tenure or fail woefully to perform due to ill health or poor understanding of the economy or both.”

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2019: Junaid dubs Buhari a failure, warns north against anointed candidate who’ll die or fail due to illness Reviewed by Unknown on February 13, 2018 Rating: 5

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