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More than a trillion planets could exist beyond our galaxy, scientists say

A new study by a group of scientists is saying there could be extragalactic exoplanets outside the solar system.

The study, published February 2 in The Astrophysical Journal Letters, gives the first evidence that more than a trillion exoplanets could exist beyond the Milky Way.

Using information from NASA’s Chandra X-ray Observatory and a planet detection technique called microlensing to study a distant quasar galaxy , scientists at the University of Oklahoma found evidence that there are approximately 2,000 extragalactic planets for every one star beyond the Milky Way.

Some of these exoplanets are as (relatively) small as the moon, while others are as massive as Jupiter.
Unlike Earth, most of the exoplanets are not tightly bound to stars, so they’re actually wandering through space or loosely orbiting between stars.

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More than a trillion planets could exist beyond our galaxy, scientists say Reviewed by Unknown on February 06, 2018 Rating: 5

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