6 signs that prove your relationship is ‘loveless’
Of all the emotions we experience, love is arguably the most complex.
Feelings can range from pure ecstasy to maddening torture; one moment we feel hugely content, and the next we feel desperately unsure of everything.
If you have experienced any of the encounters listed below, then there is a great chance that you are in a loveless relationship.
1) The “I Love You’s” Have Changed: It might sound silly to get wound up about the way he or even you says “I love you”, but this isn’t as trivial as it might first appear. When we first fall in love with someone, there is real meaning behind our “I love you’s”. They are spoken with a passion and a honesty, and we know they and ourselves are truly in love with one another. But when a relationship starts to disintegrate, the “I love you’s” change. The tone we use for them alters, and we begin to use them less spontaneously and more predictably.
2) You’ve Started To Imagine A Life Without Him: When you’re in love with your partner, you try very hard not to imagine life without him. Why? Because it would be a very bleak existence. Just the thought of him not being with you is upsetting. However, when the love is fading, we start to fantasise about what life would be like without him – and it actually seems pretty awesome.
3) You Don’t Want To Discuss The Future: When couples are madly in love with each other, talking about the future is one of their favourite things to do. “Let’s get a big house together!” “Why don’t we take a 4 week vacation next year?” Such talk is thrilling. However, when love has removed her roses from a relationship, it seems that no one wants to talk about the future anymore.
4) Your Life Directions Are Now Different: When you guys first got together, it was partly because you agreed on the direction in life you both wanted to head. You had the same dreams and ambitions. Now, though, it seems that you are both increasingly heading down different paths.
5) You Just Don’t Feel Loved: Are there many bigger signs than this that a relationship is without love? Probably not. If you no longer feel loved, it’s a warning sign that things have changed for the worse.
6) The Cuddles Are Fewer: Cuddling is a sign of affection and love. You cuddle your partner because you love him, appreciate him, and want to be feel his love and protection. Although loveless couples might still cuddle, they don’t do it as often. Instead of wanting to cuddle your partner each time you see him in the morning because he is just so darn cute, you’ve got other things to be getting on with.
Gsent Talks.....Taking You Further
6 signs that prove your relationship is ‘loveless’
Reviewed by Unknown
February 05, 2018

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