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Congo DR facing “humanitarian disaster of extraordinary proportions”, UN says

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is facing a “humanitarian disaster of extraordinary proportions”, the United Nations has warned.

Reports say the warning is coming as scores of citizens in the southeastern part of the country have been massively displaced as violence is rapidly rising in the region.

According to the spokesperson of the UN’s refugee agency (UNHCR), entrenched intercommunal conflict between several ethnic groups in Tanganyika province was “triggering spiraling displacement and human rights abuses”.

“Moreover, fierce clashes between the Congolese armed forces and militias have continued since the end of January, while new armed groups threaten to wreak more havoc in the province,” Andrej Mahecic said in a statement.

The comments by the UN is coming weeks after President Joseph Kabila, denied claims that security forces in the country killed six protesters marching against his removal as the country’s leader.

During his first news conference in six years, Kabila denied that his forces had violently dispersed pro-democracy protests but instead accused demonstrators of arson and attacking the police.

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Congo DR facing “humanitarian disaster of extraordinary proportions”, UN says Reviewed by Unknown on February 21, 2018 Rating: 5

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