what is Renewable Energy and non-Renewable Energy?
Daily, we rely on energy to provide us with electricity, hot water, and fuel for our cars. Most of this energy comes from fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas. These are non-renewable energy sources, which means that if we use them all up, we can never get more during our lifetime. Fossil fuels greatly contribute to global climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the air when they are burned. These fuels can run out and are bad for the environment, hence the need to switch to other energy sources.
Renewable energy sources are energy sources that are constantly being replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water. This means that we can use them as much as we want, and we do not have to worry about them running out. In addition, renewable energy sources are usually much more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels. Overall, they release very few chemicals, like carbon dioxide, that can harm the environment.
Facts about Renewable energy
Do you know that?
* Renewable energy (also called green or sustainable energy) comes from natural sources like wind, water, and sunlight.
* less than ten percent of all the energy we use comes from renewable sources.
(So… you might be wondering, ‘Doesn’t renewable energy sources harm the environment? Won’t they run out? then why are we not using them everywhere and all the time?')
v It is because many of them are currently expensive to harness, are inefficient, or have other disadvantages.
* Using energy from the wind might be great in an area that is really windy (Don’t mind my grammar) all year-round, but it wouldn't work so well in an area with very little wind.
* Wind energy is much more environmentally friendly compared to other energy types (plus it doesn’t contribute to climate change or global warming)
Types of Renewable Energy
We will take a closer look at five examples of renewable energy sources, considering the pros and cons of each.
* Solar energy (called sun energy): is harnessed using solar collectors. This energy can then be used to provide heat, light, or other forms of electricity.
Pros: Sunlight is free and readily available almost everywhere. Using it does not create any wastes or pollutants.
Cons: The technology needed to collect and use solar energy can be expensive. Sunlight can only be collected during the day when it is sunny.
* Wind energy sounds like: energy that we get from the wind (its TAUTOLOGY). Windmills have been used for hundreds of years to pump water from the ground however today, we use large, tall wind turbines that use the wind to generate electricity.
Many wind turbines are often placed together in wind farms in flat areas with strong winds.
* Hydroelectric (Hydro + Electric) power station uses water flow to power a turbine. The turbines are connected to generators that produce energy through the use of water currents. The speed of the water flow determines the amount of energy generated.
Simply said: A swiftly flowing river will generate more electricity than a slower moving wave.
* Landfill Gas The waste we generate ends up in landfills, where it decomposes and produces landfill gas made of approximately 50 percent methane (CH4 Remember Chemistry!). This gas can be captured and used to fuel electric generators.
(Trust me) this method of renewable energy is one of the most successful. Since large landfills must burn off this gas to reduce the hazards arising from gas accumulation.
* Biomass
Organic wastes (like trees, wood waste, and agricultural residues) decay and can produce Biomass wastes. This waste can be recycled to fuel via combustion for electricity generation.
Gsent Talks.....Taking You Further
what is Renewable Energy and non-Renewable Energy?
Reviewed by Unknown
May 04, 2018

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