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US Senate reaches deal to end US govt shutdown

A deal has been reached by the US Senate to end the lingering US government shutdown after it came to an agreement on temporary funding in exchange for immigration-policy overhaul in the coming month.

Reports from Washington, DC say the spending bill will fund the US government until February 8, with the US Senate now poised to end the government shutdown.

“We will vote today to reopen the government,” Democrat Chuck Schumer, the Senate minority leader, said in a speech on the Senate floor.

The deal reached by the US Senate potentially ends the major shutdown of many federal services following the failure of the Upper House to pass a new budget.

Two days ago, there was a bitter blame game between the Democrats and the Republicans after government shutdown of many federal services.

Reports say Trump accused the Democrats of putting politics above the interests of the American people while the Democrats blame him for rejecting bipartisan compromise proposals.

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US Senate reaches deal to end US govt shutdown Reviewed by Unknown on January 23, 2018 Rating: 5

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