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Despite backlash over govt incompetence, Buhari says millions of Nigerians will soon join APC

Nigeria’s President Muhammadu Buhari has boasted that Nigerians will soon start to defect to the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) in their millions from different political parties in the country.

His boast is coming on the heels of recent backlash by former President Olusegun Obasanjo who in an 82-page open letter, accused the Buhari administration, among other things, of nepotism, incompetence and advised him (Buhari) to go home and rest by not seeking a re-election in 2019.

Buhari, who is yet to officially declare his second term ambition, however said in a letter he sent to Senator Basheer Mohammed, who recently defected to the APC in Kano, that millions of his likes are being expected to join the ruling party in the next few months.

The letter dated January 25, 2018, and entitled, “Re: Declaration for APC,” was made public after the senator’s Personal Assistant on New Media, Bashir Ahmad, posted a copy of it on his Twitter handle.

The senator had in an earlier letter to Buhari, informed the president of his decision to join the ruling party.

Buhari was said to have replied in the letter he personally signed, “I was most delighted to receive your letter informing me of your impending decision to formally declare for our great party, the APC.

“Furthermore, I am very encouraged to learn that you are bringing thousands of new supporters into the fold. We are expecting millions to join us in the next few months from all parts of the country.

“I would have very much welcomed another opportunity to be in Kano but due to a conflict of engagements; I am due on that day in Addis Ababa for an important African Union meeting which was scheduled months ago.

“I hope I shall have the pleasure of welcoming you to the Presidential Villa in the near future. I wish the event turns out to be a resounding success.”

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Despite backlash over govt incompetence, Buhari says millions of Nigerians will soon join APC Reviewed by Unknown on January 29, 2018 Rating: 5

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