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Skales blasts Buhari, says he’s the worst president in the world

President Muhammadu Buhari has come under fire from singer and songwriter Skales who stated in a series of tweets posted on his timeline that the Nigerian leader is the worst president in the world.

The musician who sounded perturbed judging by the tweets posted on his timeline also stated that Buhari deceived scores of Nigerians into voting him into power during the last presidential elections.

“Buhari is the worst president in the world yes I said it ….this human abuse has to stop …you lied to us when I wanted to be voted in …shame!!! I love my country and I want the best for my country,” he posted.

The “Agolo” crooner also took a swipe at the officials of the Special Anti-robber Squad SARS for unleashing untold terror on innocent Nigerians whom he said they are supposed to protect.

“Hitting a woman by the animals called SARS is unacceptable…If the government truly cares about us they would do something about this. @MBuhari does not care about us I’m a young man speaking out…he is out there living happy with his kids baling & living a reckless life bullying citizens,” Skales added.

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Skales blasts Buhari, says he’s the worst president in the world Reviewed by Unknown on January 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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