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TRUMP ROW: Steve Banon quits role at Breitbart News

The brewing row between Steve Banon and President Donald Trump over comments he made in a new book title “Fire and Fury” has seen the ex-chief strategist step down from the right-wing Breitbart News organisation where he made a name for himself.

In the book, Banon described a meeting Donald Trump Jr held in New York with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 presidential election campaign as “treasonous”.

Banon who was one of Mr Trump’s most trusted – and controversial – aides left his post last summer after reports of a power struggle among Mr Trump’s White House staff.

However, Banon has tried to reverse remarks in which he called the president’s son Donald Jr “treasonous” when he said on Sunday that the barb was directed at former aide Paul Manafort, who was also present.

The accusation appears in Michael Wolff’s new book Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House.

Banon’s statement drew an angry response from the US President who said the ex-aide has not been in his right senses after he lost his job.

According to a letter by Trump’s lawyers, Banon who was considered a key player in Trump’s administration before he left his post in August, had broken his employment agreement by speaking to the book’s author about Trump and his family, “disclosing confidential information” and “making disparaging statements and in some cases outright defamatory statements to Mr Wolff about Mr Trump, his family members, and his Company.”

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TRUMP ROW: Steve Banon quits role at Breitbart News Reviewed by Unknown on January 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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