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Kemi Olunloyo freed from prison for the 3rd time in 12 months

After spending 90 days at the Port Harcourt maximum prison, controversial media personality, Kemi Olunloyo was freed from police custody on Wednesday for the third time in the last12 months.

Moments after she was allowed to return home to her family, the embattled blogger and journalist took to her Instagram page to thank everyone that stood by her during her most trying times.

“I have been released from Port Harcourt maximum prison for the third time in 12 months. To the Federal government of Nigeria, pls decongest #PHMax. Our young #Igbo #Ogoni #Ikwere #Calabar #AkwaIbom males are all LOCKED UP and not fed adequately.

“Many wasting away with skin and health problems. The Federal Ministry of Interior needs to intervene FAST! Special thanks to @areafada1 and #ourmumudondo movement which I helped launch @tvcconnect Dec 13th 2016,” she wrote.

Her release comes two weeks after she sent a holiday message to her well wishers from prison saying she is in high spirits.

Kemi, was re-arrested a couple of months back for failing to fulfill bail conditions after initially spending 81 days behind bars following her arrest at her home in Ibadan in March this year.

This was sequel to a petition written to the Nigerian Police Force by Pastor Ibiyeomie who claimed she defamed him by publishing an adultery story about him which he said was unfounded.

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Kemi Olunloyo freed from prison for the 3rd time in 12 months Reviewed by Unknown on January 12, 2018 Rating: 5

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