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7 tips on how to quit a toxic relationship

When you see the term “toxic relationship”, you might immediately think that it means this post is going to be about abuse and violence, so it doesn’t apply to you, but a relationship doesn’t have to be violent to be toxic.

If you are in a relationship where you are being controlled, it constantly gets you down, or you feel trapped or simply sad, then that too is a toxic situation.

Per chance you are going through such a tough time in your relationship, here are seven tips on how to quit before it gets too late.

1. Accept that the relationship is toxic: This is the first and logical tip on how to end a toxic relationship. Like so many these types of issues, the first thing you have to do is to accept that you have a problem. If a relationship is making you unhappy, then don’t try to pretend otherwise, and don’t just assume that it will get better.

2. Start keeping a log of how you feel: It’s a fairly typical scenario to find that people go through five days of hell and then they forgive and forget everything just because the relationship feels good for one day. Even if you feel bad every other day, it’s not right, so keep a log of your emotions to remind you what the relationship is really like.

3. Make a list of the positives and the negatives: To get things clear in your mind it can be useful to make a list of the reasons why you should end the relationship, and the reasons that you don’t want to, and then, try to analyse those in a cold and detached way. If your partner is cold, detached, controlling and unloving, you have every reason to end the relationship.

4. Think about what you want for the future: Instead of thinking about what the spilt will be like, think about what it could be like when you are free from this toxic relationship. Try not to get too hung about how unpleasant it might be telling your partner it is over, or about how he might react.

5. Have a conversation with your partner: If there is any serious abuse or violence in the relationship, there is no room negation, you should just get out of it straight away. If, however, you think that perhaps your partner could change and you feel that you want to give it a second chance, sit down in a quiet place, where you can be alone together, and have an honest conversation with them about it.

6. Make a decision and stick to it: Once you have decided to end the relationship, end it. Don’t be swayed by pleading and promises, when you know that they won’t come to anything. You will need a firm resolve if you are to see this through, but if you have thought through the options and made your decision then you will have to see it through.

7. Allow yourself to grieve: You will feel some sadness, even about the end of an unhappy relationship and it will leave a bit of a hole in your life. Don’t let that tempt you back into the relationship. Keep on reminding yourself of why you ended that relationship and focus on the all new and exciting things that you can do now that the toxic relationship is over.

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7 tips on how to quit a toxic relationship Reviewed by Unknown on January 10, 2018 Rating: 5

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