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Easy tricks to boost communication at work

Effective communication in the workplace is key to the productivity of any organization. Here are tricks on how to boost it.

1: Easy Tricks to Boost Communication in Your Workplace

“You heard goat, but I meant coat.”

Have you ever heard such clarifications following blunders that resulted from miscommunication? Definitely, you know how it feels to say one thing and your audience hears the opposite. Since our business consultants at know the damage miscommunication can cause a business, we have documented easy tricks to help you in improving communication within your business organization. By following these easy tricks, your envisioned business will not need to repeat the mistakes many businesses make. Read on to discover how you can make the difference in the marketplace after your graduation.

2: Audit Your Current Communication Methods

Do you want to boost communication in your business? If you do, it is necessary to audit what you are doing to ascertain what works and what does not. It is prudent to look at all the methods you use in your business to determine which ones need improvement or discarding. You will need to determine the effectiveness of your emails, telephone calls, messaging, and personal communication to know where to start and what to achieve.

3: Offer Undivided Attention

All communication should be two-way. Therefore, be careful to give your team undivided attention. If you cannot give them this valuable gift, you will build walls between you and them. If your staff is in your office, it is rude to continue soaking yourself in the computer or in your mobile phone. If you know you don’t have enough time to concentrate on what they are saying, it is better to reschedule the conversation rather than make your workers feel you are ignoring them. If you receive an interruption during a sensitive communication, be courteous and apologize to them.

4: Optimize the Social Media

In the digital era we live in, the communication matrix is incomplete without the social media. In fact, any business that does not embrace it is set to lose out not just on its effectiveness, but also touch with its customers since most of them are there. Currently, the social media is the most active wing of the Net, and hence, if you want to keep in touch with your team online, it is needful to optimize it. Additionally, these platforms will not just pass information, but they will also strengthen the social bond among your employees since they are interactive. Moreover, the social media is a powerful tool for informal and participatory communication.

Additionally, you can use it to brainstorm ideas for the development of your business. For instance, you can create an online forum for your company on WhatsApp, Twitter, or Facebook where you can schedule out-of-office brainstorming any day of the week without holding a formal teleconferencing session.

5: Keep Away the Poison

Lastly, you should keep out the poison by keeping it within proper limits. Do you remember the maxim that goes too much of something is poisonous? If you do, then you should know where to draw the line to avoid confusion since excess information is just as destructive as insufficient info.

We hope these insights have helped to prepare you for the task ahead as you step into the business world. We wish you the best as you live your business dream after your colorful graduation.

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Easy tricks to boost communication at work Reviewed by Unknown on January 30, 2018 Rating: 5

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