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Trump’s lawyer appears in court over seized documents

Embattled Michael Cohen, the longtime personal lawyer of US President Donald Trump appeared before the Manhattan court for a hearing over documents seized in a raid on his home by the FBI.

While addressing the court, Cohen asked the judge to limit the ability of federal prosecutors to review the documents seized from him and also asked the court to give his lawyers the first look at the seized materials.

Also present at the court hearing was adult-film star Stormy Daniels, who is also entangled in a legal fight with Cohen.

Trump’s lawyer reportedly paid Daniels $130,000 in 2016 as part of an agreement for her to keep quiet about a sexual encounter she says she had with Trump a decade prior.

“I think Michael Cohen is in a lot of trouble,” Daniels’ lawyer, Michael Avenatti, told reporters outside the court. Avenatti and Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, are not parties in the court case.

About two weeks ago, the FBI raided Cohen’s office, hotel and residence seeking documents on his clients and personal finances of the lawyer who is under investigation for alleged crimes related to bank fraud and campaign finance violations.

Cohen’s lawyer said in a statement that federal prosecutors obtained a search warrant for the raids, which were first reported by the New York Times, on a referral from Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating alleged Russian interference in the US 2016 presidential elections.

According to US media, documents seized in the raid included those regarding a $130,000 payment made to adult film star Stormy Daniels less than two weeks before the 2016 presidential elections.

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Trump’s lawyer appears in court over seized documents Reviewed by Unknown on April 17, 2018 Rating: 5

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