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KOREA SUMMIT: We won’t disturb your sleep any longer with missile tests, Kim tells counterpart Moon

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has told his South Korean counterpart Moon Jae-in that his compatriots would no longer have sleepless nights over missile tests in the Korean peninsula.

Kim made the comments after he made history as the first North Korean leader to set foot on the soil of its southern neighbour since the end of the Korean War.

Moments after he crossed into South Korea to hold talks with Moon, Kim while referring to missile tests said; “We won’t interrupt your sleep any more”.

The two are holding talks in the demilitarised zone as part of the first inter-Korea summit in more than a decade.

The meeting is expected to centre on the denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula and a permanent peace deal between the two countries.

According to a South Korean official, Moon and Kim had “serious, frank” discussions on denuclearising the Korean Peninsula and attaining permanent peace.

The official, Yoon Young-chan, said the leaders are writing a joint statement which will be anounced when it is finished.

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KOREA SUMMIT: We won’t disturb your sleep any longer with missile tests, Kim tells counterpart Moon Reviewed by Unknown on April 27, 2018 Rating: 5

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