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Shi’ites, police clash In Abuja (Video)

Demonstrators calling for the release from detention of Sheik Ibrahim El-Zakzaky, in Monday, clashed with policemen in Abuja.

The police had moved in to forcefully disperse the demonstrators, who are mostly of the Shiite Islamic sect, leading to a clash.

The demonstrators had occupied strategic points in the federal capital territory including points very close to the Presidential villa, for more than 10 days.

They had also held demonstrations at the entrance to the National Assembly where they called President Muhammadu Buhari unprintable names.

Sheik El-Zakzaky and his wife have been detained by the Federal Government since 2016.

They have been refused bail despite court orders admitting them to bail.

There have been claims of failing health for the duo.

International campaign for their release peaked weekend with demonstrations in Turkey.

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Shi’ites, police clash In Abuja (Video) Reviewed by Unknown on April 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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