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Trump to host Buhari

The Unites States (US) President, Donald Trump, has slated April 30 to meet with President Muhammadu Buhari to discuss issues that will include fight against terrorism in Nigeria.

Announcing this in a statement, White House said that “President Trump looks forward to discussing ways to enhance our strategic partnership and advance our shared priorities:

“Promoting economic growth and reforms, fighting terrorism and other threats to peace and security, and building on Nigeria’s role as a democratic leader in the region.

“The relationship of the United States with Nigeria is deep and strong, and Nigeria’s economic growth, security, and leadership in Africa will advance our mutual prosperity.”

The development is coming after Trump was alleged to have in January this year, branded African nations “shithole countries.”

It’s also coming just a month after US ex-secretary of state, Rex Tillerson, was fired after visiting Nigeria and some other African countries.

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Trump to host Buhari Reviewed by Unknown on April 16, 2018 Rating: 5

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