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26 Things Every Female Entrepreneur Should Have In Her Life

No matter what kind of life and business challenges you’re dealing with, how old you are or where you live, you deserve to be happy and fulfilled as you pursue your passion – it’s as simple as that.
Here is a list of 26 things every young female entrepreneur should have in her life.

1. Ears to amplify encouragers and mute naysayers. 

Focus on the good and ignore the critics. When we encourage each other “it’s as though we actually infuse courage into another person. Encouragement can provide people with strength to look ahead, move forward, and reach for the next goal.”

2. A smart accounting app and/or trustworthy accountant. 

Simple, effective invoicing. It’s a true lifesaver for entrepreneurs. Whether you use an accounting app, bookkeeping software or hire an accountant to regularly review your books, it’s a healthy and smart start to better financial decisions for your business.

3. A song that pumps you up.

Which songs motivate you to get your day started and accomplish more? Download them to your Spotify playlist and listen on-the-go. “Music makes us more cooperative and willing to do tasks that otherwise we would find tedious. Once the dopamine is in effect, your brain is motivated to keep going and get things done faster.”

4. A de-stressing practice.

This can include, but is certainly not limited to: yoga, kitchen dance parties, walking barefoot in grass, or eating dark chocolate like you are in a love affair with it.

5. A little something unnecessary, but beautiful for your desk.

Desk accessories can go a long way in helping you create a workspace that inspires you. From fun office supplies to little luxuries.

6. A killer laptop case.

Chances are your laptop is your life . . . which means you take it everywhere you go. So grab it and work in style with laptop essentials.

7. A heart full of passion.

A passion-filled heart that pumps blood into a mind overflowing with brilliant ideas sends signals to a soul full of courage. This culminates in daily empowerment with thoughts and words that evoke action.


8. A room of one’s own.

The book and the actual space. The book, “A Room of One’s Own” is an extended essay by Virginia Woolf. First published in 1929, the essay was based on a series of lectures she delivered at Newnham College and Girton College, two women’s colleges at Cambridge University in October 1928.

9. A pair of fierce shoes.

Every female entrepreneur needs a pair of shoes that make you feel like a boss without making your feet feel like you’ve just run through hot coals.

10. An adorable stationary set.

There’s no better way to say thank you than using handwritten notes of appreciation for clients, mentors, or your business bestie.

11. A tangible non-work-related book.

Grab a tangible book with real paper pages about something that has absolutely nothing to do with work and only brings you pleasure.

12. A tangible work-related book.

Upgrade your business potential and grab a business book with real paper pages that has everything to do with entrepreneurship and inspires you to do better.

13. A willingness to look like a fool.

In the wise words of Steve Jobs, “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”

14. A go-to coffee shop.

The perfect coffee shop can be your home away from your home office or a nice break from the same office scene. Find a local coffee shop with great decor, comfy couches, good vibes and plenty of entrepreneurial spirit.

15. A beloved cause.

Select a charity or foundation that you care deeply about; a cause to give away some of your earnings to. There’s power in giving. “Entrepreneurs give twice as much of their profits to charity as more-established companies, according to new research by the Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund and Ernst & Young.”

16. A wise friend.

Every girl boss needs a friend or mentor that acts as a voice of wisdom; one that’s not too closely attached to your business who will let you cry when you need to, who will offer judgement-free advice … and when you are ready, someone who will kick your a** when it’s fully justified.

17. An ability to say ‘no’ when you want to.

No is a complete sentence.

18. The ability to say ‘yes’ when you want to.

Saying yes to the right people, places and things can open up a world full of opportunity.

19. A delicious dinner recipe.

Find a dinner recipe that is both easy to make and comforting to the soul after a long day.

20. A quality pen and notebook.

Keep it close. Inspiration tends to strike unexpectedly.

21. An exercise you actually enjoy.

22. A trusty makeup remover.

Grab a makeup remover that will quickly wipe away every drop of mascara, so you don’t have to stand in front of the mirror for five full excruciating minutes when your brain is tired.


23. A walking path.

A quick and brisk walk allows you to clear your head or come up with new ideas.

24. A coffee mug you want to take pictures of.

Because we all know, #butfirstcoffee.

25. A sense of humor.

Life is so much easier with a sense of humor.

26. Awareness.

Awareness is important in business. Cultivate awareness that though your work may be spectacular or unimpressive, your self-worth is not derived from it.

How you look and dress go a long way to your brand building and can contribute immensely to your success as an entrepreneur. Ultimately, by making these little changes, this makes people assume you are responsible and committed to your goal and will deal with you.

Thank you so much for stopping by. Until next time, Stay classy!

Gsent Talks.....Taking You Further 
26 Things Every Female Entrepreneur Should Have In Her Life Reviewed by Unknown on April 28, 2018 Rating: 5

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