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Trump fires back at EU, Canada over trade tariff backlash

US President Donald Trump has fired back at the European Union and its neighbour Canada over the backlash which followed the imposition of new trade tariffs.

Reports say Trump’s “America First” policies risk causing a global trade war and deep diplomatic schisms even as leaders of the Group of Seven rich nations headed for a summit in Canada on Thursday are more divided than at any time in the group’s 42-year history.

Reacting to the latest development, French President Emmanuel Macron said G7 nations should remain “polite” and productive but warned that “no leader is forever,” a sign that Europe would not surrender meekly to the U.S. president.

“Maybe the American president doesn’t care about being isolated today, but we don’t mind being six, if needs be,” Macron told reporters. “Because these six represent values, represent an economic market, and more than anything, represent a real force at the international level today.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau predicted “robust discussions” on trade, but other G7 members like Japan and Italy seemed less likely to want to challenge the U.S. president.

Trump fired back soon after on Twitter, addressing both leaders directly, saying they were charging “massive tariffs” on U.S. goods and had erected other trade barriers.

“I look forward to seeing them tomorrow,” Trump wrote about Friday’s start of the two-day summit.
Mexico also responded to the new taxes imposed by the US saying it would impose tariffs of its own, while the European Commission promised legal action against the move by Trump’s government.

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Trump fires back at EU, Canada over trade tariff backlash Reviewed by Unknown on June 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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