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After being gov, minister, head of state, I want to round-up with second term —Buhari

President Muhammadu Buhari on Thursday said that he appreciates the position of the Nigerian Constitution that allows for a two term leadership tenure.

This was even as he claimed that he was on three occasions robbed in his bid for the presidency after defeating his opponents.

Buhari said this while hosting some Nigerian artistes and Youth organisations who broke fast with him at the Presidential Villa, Abuja.

According to him, a second term in office, as allowed by the constitution, would give him the opportunity to round-up after all the positions he has occupied in the country, and after being ‘cheated’ thrice.

He told his visitors, “We are trying very hard to normalise situation in the country for you. I’m very pleased with the position of our constitution.

“No matter how good you are, you don’t have more than two terms and no matter how bad you are you can hardly last more than the first term. So, this generosity of the constitution I respect very much.

“It gives me the opportunity to round up having been a governor, minister, head of state in uniform and then going to the Supreme Court three times to complain about my being rigged out.”

President Buhari went further to assure that his government would not relent in encouraging the youth to pursue their careers in meaningful disciplines to enable them become self-sustaining as well as employers of labour in the society.

He added, “I will continue to dedicate my time to make sure that Nigerians are enlightened on the importance of voter education because this is vital for good governance.”

President Buhari was quoted to have not too long ago allegedly described Nigerian youths as lazy and uneducated.

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After being gov, minister, head of state, I want to round-up with second term —Buhari Reviewed by Unknown on June 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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