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Nigeria signs agreement to supply gas to Morocco, W/African countries

President Muhammadu Buhari’s two-day working visit to the Kingdom of Morocco has begun to yield results as Nigeria signed a regional gas pipeline agreement with Morocco to reduce unemployment rate in the country.

The Nigeria Morocco Gas Pipeline (NMGP) agreement would see Nigeria exporting gas to countries within the West Africa subregion, extending to Morocco and Europe, thereby providing jobs for the teeming youths in Nigeria.

In a statement released on Monday by the Senior Special Assistant to the President on Media and Publicity, Garba Shehu, the Federal Government of Nigeria and the Kingdom of Morocco signed three agreements on regional gas pipeline, chemical plant and agriculture training.

The signing of the agreements, which was witnessed by President Buhari and King of Morocco, His Majesty King Mohammed V1, followed a meeting by the two African leaders focused on strengthening economic relations in gas resources development, global investment and agricultural training and management.

According to the statement, the construction of the pipeline will be phased and based on increasing needs of the countries crossed, and Europe, for the period of 25 years.

The NMGP, designed to be 5,660km long, is expected to reduce gas flaring in Nigeria and encourage diversification of energy resources in the country.

“The NMGP will further encourage utilisation of gas in the sub-region for cooking, and discourage desertification,” the statement read.

While the chemical plant agreement is expected to foster production of ammonia and its derivatives, agreement on vocational training and technical supervision would enhance skills on better management of agricultural outfits in Nigeria.

Meanwhile, President Buhari assured the King of Morocco of Nigeria’s full commitment to the actualisation of all the agreements signed.

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Nigeria signs agreement to supply gas to Morocco, W/African countries Reviewed by Unknown on June 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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