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JUNE 12: Ex-US Amb. to Nigeria Carrington makes case for Abiola

An erstwhile United States of American (USA) ambassador to Nigeria, Walter Carrington (OFR), has reacted to the Federal Government recognition of June 12 as Democracy Day.

While he congratulated President Muhammadu Buhari for the act, he however urged him to go further to add the name of the acclaimed winner of the annulled 1993 presidential elections, Chief Moshood Abiola, to the list of Nigeria’s former Heads of State.

He said in a statement, “I wish we could be with you on this first national acknowledgement of June 12 as Democracy Day. Its future celebrations will remind generations of Nigerians yet unborn of the sacrifices their ancestors made.

“The names of M.K.O. and his beloved Kudirat and all who joined them in martyrdom will be forever remembered along with those of their countrymen and women who lived to carry on the struggle that led to the restoration of civilian rule.

“From this day onward, any listing of Nigeria’s Heads of State must include the name of Moshood Abiola, because on June 12, 1993, he clearly and decisively won what was then universally hailed as the freest and fairest election in the country’s history.

“I am heartened that, at long last, Nigeria, in the stirring words of its national anthem, honours the labours of these heroes past and recognised that they have not been in vain.”

The Presidency had last week announced June 12 as Nigeria’s new Democracy Day instead of May 29. It however explained that the marking of June 12 as Democracy Day will begin next year, 2019.

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JUNE 12: Ex-US Amb. to Nigeria Carrington makes case for Abiola Reviewed by Unknown on June 11, 2018 Rating: 5

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