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Again, Eeedris takes on Obasanjo

Former band leader of the Remedies, Eedris Abdulkareem has once again attacked former president of Nigeria, Chief Olusegun Obasanjo over the travails facing the country.

The controversial rapper has once again pointed accusing fingers at the former leader after dropping a new song titled ‘Letter To Obasanjo’, where he blamed him for being behind the problems of the country.

In the new track produced by Mr Lekki, Eedris accused Obasanjo of being corrupt and questioned his alleged killing of innocent people in Odi, Bayelsa State.

Speaking in an interview with LIB after the song release, Eeedris said; ‘‘Obasanjo served as a military president and also a civilian president. He had the opportunity to correct the wrongs. He was selfish and wanted third term by all means. His administration recorded too many killings and assassinations. He’s very selfish and wanted to rule Nigeria forever.”

This is the second time Eedris and Obasanjo will have a face-off after the rapper released the song titled ‘Nigeria Jaga Jaga’ in 2004 with reports also suggesting that the rapper is set to release ‘Nigeria Jaga Jaga’ (Part 2) in weeks to come.
Again, Eeedris takes on Obasanjo Reviewed by Unknown on June 08, 2018 Rating: 5

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