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The internet projected to surpass TV in 2019

A statistical data chart revealed by digital media agency, Zenith, has revealed that the Internet will surpass TV viewing by 2019.

The chart from Statista shows, the gap has long been narrowing between the number of minutes consumers spend watching TV every day and the amount of time they spend on mobile and desktop internet consumption.

By 2020, Zenith’s forecast shows that daily internet consumption will surpass daily television consumption for the first time.

The invention of various social media platforms, the availability of shows on mobile, faster internet, more advanced smartphones, and more digestible content tailored to those smartphones have all played a big role in that reversal.

These advancements have also marginally increased the total amount of minutes each consumer spends watching TV and on the internet: Nine years ago, internet and TV minutes totaled around four hours — by 2020 it’ll be almost six hours.

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The internet projected to surpass TV in 2019 Reviewed by Unknown on June 20, 2018 Rating: 5

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