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INDIA: Nigerian man jumps to his death after he was arrested for visa fraud

A Nigerian man identified as Igbele Emeka Bonaventure, 34, who was arrested by authorities in India for visa fraud died after ‘jumping’ from a police car on the Sahar Elevated Road, reports reveal.

Bonaventure was detained by immigration at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport on Wednesday for allegedly carrying forged travel documents and was taken away for further questioning when he jumped out of a moving police vehicle.

“At 6.30 am the police car was on the elevated bridge connecting the international airport. He opened the door and tried to jump on the other bridge and fell into the gap between the two bridges,” said Anil Kumbhare, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Zone VIII.

Reports say Bonaventure was rushed to Cooper Hospital, where he was declared dead on arrival, the police said.

A case of accidental death has been registered at Sahar police station.

Kumbhare added that Bonaventure had flown into Mumbai on a Kenyan Airlines flight.

The circumstances surrounding his death are being investigated.

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INDIA: Nigerian man jumps to his death after he was arrested for visa fraud Reviewed by Unknown on May 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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