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RUSSIA MEDDLING: Mueller hints at issuing subpoena on Trump

A former lawyer of President Donald Trump has revealed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller will issue a subpoena for Trump if he refuses to talk to investigators handling Russia probe.

According to John Dowd in an interview with Reuters, Mueller mentioned the possibility of a subpoena in a meeting in early March.

“This isn’t some game. You are screwing with the work of the president of the United States,” Dowd said he told the investigators, who are probing possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Dowd left the president’s legal team about two weeks after the meeting.

Early last month, it was reported that Trump will less likely appear before Mueller to answer questions over Russia’s influence in the last presidential elections after the raiding of his lawyer’s office.

The raid carried out by the FBI on the New York office of Trump’s lawyer identified as Michael Cohen was described by the United States President as ‘disgraceful’.

Reports say the FBI also raided Cohen’s hotel and residence earlier, seeking documents on his clients and personal finances of the lawyer who is under investigation for alleged crimes related to bank fraud and campaign finance violations.

Cohen’s lawyer said in a statement that federal prosecutors obtained a search warrant for the raids, which were first reported by the New York Times, on a referral from Mueller.

According to US media, documents seized in the raid included those regarding a $130,000 payment made to adult film star Stormy Daniels less than two weeks before the 2016 presidential elections.

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RUSSIA MEDDLING: Mueller hints at issuing subpoena on Trump Reviewed by Unknown on May 02, 2018 Rating: 5

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