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Asari Dokubo tells Bola Tinubu: ''Your fate will be worse than that of Dino Melaye''

Former militant leader, Asari Dokubo, has asked APC National leader Bola Tinubu, to be weary of President Buhari as his fate after the 2019 election will be worse than that of Dino Melaye.

Asari made this claim in a new video he posted on social media. According to him, the former Lagos State governor will suffer “worst” fate from the Buhari-led government despite his support.

Asari aslo alleged that Dino Melaye was marked to be killed that was why he was pushed from the police van while he was being transported to Kogi state on April 25th. 

“Some people are happy because of what happened to Dino Melaye. Yes he does. If Dino Melaye who was one of the voiciferous and Loquacious personalities in Buhari's campaign can be treated this way to the extent that Buhari wants to kill him by throwing him  out of a moving vehicle, then it can happen to anyone of us.

And that is why you must stand up. You don't know whether you will be the next one. How is it possible for Dino Melaye to have jumped off the bus. Was there a thrasngiguration or a Dino Melaye rapture? You know Dino Melaye now used to sing some religious songs. Maybe he was in the spirit and he was raptured and all of a sudden he found himself on the ground. 

Buhari thinks because he is the captain of Dundee united, all of us are fans and players of this dundee united. Me, I am not a dundee United fan. 

Dino Melaye was marked to be killed. They failed. Dino Melaye, any weapon fashioned against you shall fail, it should go back to the Buhari them. 

Tinubu, as my senior friend, I’m warning you. For 14 years, they messed you up, disgraced you, now they are petting you so that you will bring in the vote again. Your fate will be worse than that of Dino Melaye, mark my word. Obasanjo was once a navigator but no longer, yours will be worst.” he said

Watch a video of him speaking below

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Asari Dokubo tells Bola Tinubu: ''Your fate will be worse than that of Dino Melaye'' Reviewed by Unknown on May 04, 2018 Rating: 5

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