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NASA, Russia team up to put space station near the moon

A landmark agreement was made at the International Aeronautics Congress in Adelaide, Australia, where representatives of NASA and the Russian space agency Roscosmos announced that they had signed an agreement to both conceptualise a deep space gateway.

In plain language, both NASA and the Russian space agency are collaborating to building a space station somewhere near the moon which will be the first conceptual goal between the two bodies.

Building on the success of the International Space Station, the plan is to build something that could act as a waypoint for trips to the lunar surface, or even to more distant locales like Mars. And the hope is that it could be built as soon as the 2020’s.

“While the deep space gateway is still in concept formulation, NASA is pleased to see growing international interest in moving into cislunar space as the next step for advancing human space exploration,” NASA’s acting administrator Robert Lightfoot said in a statement. “Statements such as this one signed with Roscosmos show the gateway concept as an enabler to the kind of exploration architecture that is affordable and sustainable.”

In addition to Russia and the United States, Canada, Japan, and the European Space Agency are all interested in the project.

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NASA, Russia team up to put space station near the moon Reviewed by Unknown on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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