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7 reasons a breakup may just be best for your shaky relationship

Rarely do people feel amazing after a breakup, even if we were the ones who initiated it.

It never seems like it at the time, but a breakup can be a force for good. In this article, we take a look at 7 ways your breakup may be a positive thing that could happen to you.

1) It’s Better To Learn You Weren’t Right For Each Other Now, Rather Than Later: All couples who aren’t really compatible eventually learn that they aren’t compatible. The relationship starts with a bang. The feelings are intense. There is a lot of romance and lust. Then, things settle down once they realise that – actually – they’re not really right for one another.

2) It Can Be A Wake-Up Call: Sometimes, we stay in a relationship just because we don’t have the strength to end it. Moreover, we’re worried that breaking up might be the biggest mistake we’ll ever made. And so we sleepwalk through it, staying together “just because.” We lose our will and our motivation and drift aimlessly through life. For this reason, a breakup could be the biggest wake-up call you needed to jump start your life.

3) Learn Lessons: There are always lessons to learn from relationships – especially first relationships. This one ended for a reason – why? If you were partly to blame, conduct some self-analysis, and learn from your mistakes so that you don’t make them again.

4) It Was Good Preparation: Okay, so this relationship didn’t work. But some things in life are meant to be temporary, and if nothing else it will have helped to prepare you for your next one.

5) You’ve Got Some Time To Focus On Yourself: When we first go through a breakup, the last person we want to focus on is ourselves. We don’t want to feel lonely – we want someone else to focus on. But during a relationship, we don’t always get the chance to work on ourselves. Thus, we might miss out on opportunities for personal growth. Now that you’re single again, you can use the time to focus on self-improvement in preparation for your next relationship.

6) Get Comfortable With Yourself: Now is the best chance you’ll ever have to learn how to live with yourself. Once you’re comfortable with yourself, so much in life becomes a lot easier – including relationships.

7) You Can Build Other Relationships: Relationships can absorb and consume us, taking up all our time. As such, we invariably end up neglecting all of our other relationships. You’ve now got the chance to reconnect with people you might not have seen for a while. You’ve got the time to see friends and family more, and build other relationships.

Gsent Talks....Taking You Further 
7 reasons a breakup may just be best for your shaky relationship Reviewed by Unknown on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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