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Harrysong dismisses ex-producer’s accusation of song theft, says it’s a stunt to get noticed

A day after former Five Star Music producer, Dr. Amir played dirty by accusing his former label mates Harrysong and Kcee of intellectual theft and also informed that he is instituting a court case against them, Harrysong has replied the producer’s threats.

In his reply, the Alterplate boss said Amir who claims Harrysong’s track ‘Samankwe’ was stolen and is demanding N45m, is hungry and desperate to be famous by all means, even at the expense of someone’s career.

Harrysong also appealed to the general public to disregard Amir’s claims not just as false, but also a well-orchestrated stunt by an individual eager to be noticed.

The statement by Harrysong’s Alterplate reads thus; “Our attention has been drawn to a publication circulating the social media sphere regarding a ‘child’s play’ suit filed by producer, Dr. Amir against Alterplate Chief Executive, Harrison Tare Okiri, famously known as Harrysong.

“We are hereby appealing to the general public to disregard the news not just as false, but also a well-orchestrated stunt by an individual who is hungry and desperate to be famous by all means, even at the expense of someone career.

“Earlier, on Monday this week (September 25, 2017), Amir called to intimate us of his plan to stir a controversy using Harrysong’s name, an idea we objected to even before he could spell the details.

“It was very alarming to read about a suit he purportedly filed against our boss in some section of the media, yesterday, Wednesday, September 27, 2017.

“Of pertinence is the fact that as at the time of putting this piece together, we have not been served any legal note by any chambers representing him or whatsoever (of course, no notable legal office can subject itself to such disingenuousness).

“However, for Dr. Amir to think he could ride on Harrysong’s popularity and image to make himself relevant is not only jesting to his career, but totally unacceptable to us and very nauseating too.

“As a reputable company, we have a unique way of spreading our contents using the media, stunting is definitely not part of it.

“Asides suggesting that the young man subjects himself to a proper brain evaluation, we at Alterplate feel he has also crossed a dangerous line and betrayed our friendship with him and as such, he will hear from our lawyers in no time. For avoidance of doubts, we have here, proof of a text message he sent to Harrysong yesterday, trying to pacify him.”

The producer who has parted ways with Five Star Music also filed a similar suit against Kcee for unauthorized publishing of the song “Afro-shake” produced and written by him.

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Harrysong dismisses ex-producer’s accusation of song theft, says it’s a stunt to get noticed Reviewed by Unknown on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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