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55 Passengers Escape Death On Oshodi-Apapa Expressway

Passengers of a luxury bus belonging to the Young Shall Grow Motors, yesterday escaped death in an accident at Charity bus-stop, along Oshodi-Apapa Expressway.

According to eyewitnesses, the accident which occurred around 9:00a.m. was triggered by an explosion of one of the bus’ tyres. The Guardian gathered that the bus was conveying more than 50 passengers from Lagos to Aba.

Fortunately, all the passengers escaped unhurt from what could have been a fatal incident as the bus was coming on top speed. The tyre burst immediately ignited a fire, but soldiers at the Nigerian Armed Forces Resettlement Centre, Oshodi rushed to the scene with fire extinguisher to douse the fire.

The accident caused traffic logjam on the busy highway for several hours as motorists frantically maneuvered for alternative routes to reach their destination on the road, which had already been narrowed due to the re-construction of the Lagos Airport Road.

One of the passengers, who spoke to The Guardian, said when the back tyre burst at first, it caused a lot of panic but the driver’s quick response to the situation saved their lives. She also commended the soldiers who came to their rescue. Officials of the Lagos State Fire Service were also at the scene of the accident.

According to the assistant driver of the bus, Mr. Joseph, there were no casualties, “just that a few goods were lost to the fire.”

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55 Passengers Escape Death On Oshodi-Apapa Expressway Reviewed by Unknown on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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