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Armed men kidnap Asst Commissioner of Police, 7 others in Zamfara

Rampaging armed men in Zamfara State have abducted an Assistant Commissioner of Police, simply identified as ACP Emmanuel and serving in Gusau, Zamfara State.

He was kidnapped while traveling with members of his family along the Birnin-Gwari–Funtua road.

ACP Emmanuel, who was travelling with three members of his family in a Hilux van was said to have run into the gunmen who forcibly stopped their vehicle and whisked them away in another vehicle.

Same Wednesday, another police officer, also travelling with three persons in a Sharon bus, was also abducted by armed men along Birnin Gwari road.

It was learnt that police patrolling the route was alerted that some persons travelling in a Sharon bus had been abducted.

The patrol team were surprised to learn later that they had been fooled. They had during a stopover at a police post, earlier stopped the bus but one of the abductors had identified himself as their colleague and inquired about one of them who he said is his friend.

They told him the person he was inquiring about had been transferred to Maiduguri.

A villager who would not want his name mentioned had also claimed that a popular business man from Birnin Gwari known as Danhaza and his driver were also abducted three days before the last incident while they were on their way to Kaduna from Birnin Gwari.

According to the source, the two men were travelling in a Golf car along Birnin Gwari –Kaduna road when the gunmen led them into the bush.

The reports are yet to be confirmed by the police as at the time of filing this report.

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Armed men kidnap Asst Commissioner of Police, 7 others in Zamfara Reviewed by Unknown on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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