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Mantu Seeks Support For Adeniran As Next PDP National Chairman

Ibrahim Mantu who stated this at the formal declaration of Adeniran in Abuja also said his show of solidarity for the former minister was premised on his conviction that Adeniran is God’s choice for the exalted office.

Former Deputy Senate President, on Wednesday in Abuja charged all Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) members to work towards producing a former Education minister, Professor Tunde Adeniran, as the next national chairman of the party.

The elective national convention of PDP where the party is expected to elect its national officers comes up in December 2017.

Mantu who stated this at the formal declaration of Adeniran in Abuja also said his show of solidarity for the former minister was premised on his conviction that Adeniran is God’s choice for the exalted office.

Mantu said: “I fasted for 30 days and 30 nights, asking God to show me who would lead the party. God showed me Adeniran. Let’s now look forward and make sure that we elect a credible chairman. We should make sure that nobody short-changes us at the national convention.

“I am now born again. Whatever I say now is the truth. Some people came to the PDP with nothing and left with billions. We need to bring the party to the people now,” adding that it has also become necessary for the PDP to “be sober and apologize for what we have done wrong in the past.”

In his remarks, Adeniran said that the December 9 convention was an opportunity for the PDP to bounce back to power, stressing however, that doing so requires reconciliation, unity and a rebuilding process.

While soliciting for massive support across the six-geo-political zones, Adeniran, a former Ambassador to Germany, pledged to work tirelessly to “reaffirm and entrench the founding principles of our great party; restore the sanctity of internal democracy and rule of law and return the party to the people in tandem with the spirit and intent of its slogan-Power to the people.”

A former Minister of Police Affairs, Adamu Maina Waziri, lauded the leadership qualities of Adeniran and tasked the party to stand by him. Waziri said in good and bad times, the chairmanship aspirant has proven to be a loyal party man since the formation of the PDP in 1998.

“Since we were given flags to establish the party in our various states in 1998, Professor Adeniran has not wavered. We want to open a new chapter, where democracy will flourish, where the choice of the people will determine who leads them,” Waziri stated.

He added that the party faithful should not forget that the road to the Presidential villa was not an easy one.

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Mantu Seeks Support For Adeniran As Next PDP National Chairman Reviewed by Unknown on September 29, 2017 Rating: 5

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