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Count down to the official launch of TSTV in Nigeria

What is the full meaning of TSTV?

Don’t get twisted or confused on this little thing. TSTV simply stands for Telcom Satellites Telelvision.

Let’s move on with this post “TSTV Customer Care Number | Official Website and Call Center Number in Nigeria.”

Its no longer a rumour, something big is coming to Nigeria, and many believe it is going to shake the Digital Television industry of the country.

TSTV is set to take on the top players in Nigeria and we can’t help but imagine the changes we are set to experience.

Many of us might be seeking verified and accurate information about TSTV, and as we all know, such information can be easily gotten from TSTV themselves. This is why you might be in search of the customer care of TSTV. Well, we at Fabinfos are set to give you that.

There are so many means you can contact the customer care agents of TSTV (courtesy of technology). You can contact TSTV via mail, phone call, or on their web platform. Let’s give you the full details below.

How to call TSTV customer care representative. We are yet to have the official TSTV customer care number, but this should be out before or during the official release on the 1st of October 2017.

How to Contact TSTV on their official website? Do you need more information about TSTV? Then visit their official website Here

How to contact TSTV on social media? You can contact TSTV on the Twitter via the Twitter handle @tstvafrica this means is going to be useful for the social types.

How to contact TSTV via Email? Simply send a mail to

There are so many reasons we contact customer care of a Digital TV providers and we at hope this post has given you details on how you can go about contacting TSTV with ease.

Gsent Talks.....Taking You Further 
Count down to the official launch of TSTV in Nigeria Reviewed by Unknown on September 26, 2017 Rating: 5

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