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BENIN: Unknown gunmen storm late woman’s burial, kill son

Pandemonium broke out at the burial ceremony of Deaconess Taiwo Albert staged in the Edo State capital of Benin City when unknown gunmen stormed the venue and killed the late woman’s son identified as Dupe Idahor.

Reports say the incident which occurred moments after the late Deaconess Albert was laid to rest, forced many who had gathered to pay their last respect to the late woman to take to their heels as they abandoned the ceremony, running in different directions for their lives.

According to an eyewitness, many, especially family members and sympathisers ran for their lives when the assailants arrived the burial ceremony and started shooting sporadically.

“We all scampered for safety, abandoning the corpse of the 82-year-old woman, Deaconess Taiwo Albert, which was laid in state.”

The eyewitness also revealed that the 42-year-old victim, Dupe Idahor was under a canopy attending to his friends when the gunmen arrived in a vehicle and opened fire on him.

Reports say the assailants left the scene of the incident snatching the car of a friend of the shot victim and sped off after they decided to abandon their operational vehicle.

However, DSP Chidi Nwanbuzor, the Edo State Police spokesman, revealed that he was yet to be briefed on the incident but said he would contact the Textile Mill Police station DPO to get details of the shooting.

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BENIN: Unknown gunmen storm late woman’s burial, kill son Reviewed by Unknown on December 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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