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Security beefed up at US Middle East embassies as Trump moves to announce Jerusalem as Israel’s capital

The US has beefed up security at its embassies in the Middle East should violence flare up following President Donald Trump’s expected announcement of Jerusalem as the new capital of Israel.

According to U.S. officials several teams of U.S. Marines will reinforce security at some American embassies in the Middle East in advance of Trump’s expected announcement.

“Due to operational security I won’t get into specifics, but the Department of Defense takes necessary steps to mitigate threats to U.S. personnel and interests around the world,” said Lt. Colonel Mike Andrews, a Defense Department spokesman.

“In addition, [the Department of Defense] continually works closely with State Department’s Bureau of Diplomatic Security to protect U.S. interests at all embassies and consulates,” he added.

Trump’s move to announce Jerusalem as the new capital of Israel is expected to ruffle feathers with Arab leaders warning against such a move, with one saying this would be “a flagrant provocation to Muslims”.

The status of Jerusalem – a holy site for Israelis and Palestinians – is extremely contentious as Israel has always regarded Jerusalem as its capital city, while the Palestinians claim East Jerusalem as the capital of a future Palestinian state.

In recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, the US becomes the first country to do so since the foundation of the state in 1948.

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Security beefed up at US Middle East embassies as Trump moves to announce Jerusalem as Israel’s capital Reviewed by Unknown on December 06, 2017 Rating: 5

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